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Weight Loss FAQs

Why should you consider a formal weight loss program?

There are many benefits to working on weight loss with a professional or a group. Formal weight-loss programs may reduce depression and anxiety for those involved. Additionally, undertaking a non-supervised weight-loss program is dangerous for the severely obese; pregnant or lactating women; children; people over the age of 65; and those with certain medical conditions. 


For people at high medical risk, a properly trained physician should be involved throughout the weight-loss process. Diets of 800 or fewer calories per day should not be undertaken without medical supervision and monitoring because of related health risks. Additionally, the health effects of repeated weight gains and losses (or weight cycling) affect the metabolism. They may result in a faster regaining of weight, and have negative effects on psychological and physical health.

Why choose Allegheny Medical?

Our professionals specialize in science-based medical therapy using the most up-to-date research and counseling methods to personalize your treatment plan. We offer medically supervised weight loss programs starting at 6 weeks to our full package of 12 weeks. In the program, you will work one-on-one on a weekly basis with our weight loss advisor, who will provide you with specific goals, motivation, and accountability.

What weight loss services are available at Allegheny Medical?

Our weight loss tools include the following, and can be used in any combination deemed helpful to specific individuals:


  • A physical evaluation with one of our primary care providers

  • Lab work

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • Metabolic testing and body composition analysis

  • An appetite-control medication or natural supplement

  • Meal guidance

  • Lipostat Plus SF injections

  • Weigh-Ins and Measurement

  • Body Fat Analysis

Why is meal guidance important during a weight loss program?

Losing weight is challenging. To make your metabolism more efficient, you need the right combination of nutrition and exercise, as well as the right mental attitude to stick with your efforts. That’s why meal guidance is an integral part of your wellness and weight loss program. Because your health and long term success is important to us, we also provide maintenance and management support. 

Let Us Help You With Your Weight Loss Journey.
Enjoy a Healthy Life With Us.

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